Car sharing available in belgium

MILES Mobility is coming to Belgium with your offer. The car sharing offer is available to you in the cities of Ghent, Antwerp and Brussels. You only pay per kilometer driven (0,98 € per kilometer, or 45 € per day).

As a new customer, you can use our MILES promo code to get €15 starting credit to get you started. When registering, simply enter the promo code: MILESxCARSHARING. You will then be credited with €15, registration is free and only takes a maximum of 5 minutes.



How to redeem the €15 MILES promo code

Redeeming and creating an account is free and easy. To do this, you have to download the MILES Mobility app from the AppStore or GooglePlayStore.

Then you create your account, for this you need a valid driver’s license. In the registration process, only the promo codeMILESxCARSHARING“ is entered. That’s it, you now have the opportunity to rent a car from the street in Belgium. We will explain how much you have to pay for the rent in the next step.


How much does car sharing cost in belgium

The rental usually costs €0.98 per kilometer. Tank and insurance are included, paid for by the provider. You can also rent a car from MILES for up to 30 days at a time. Here the car costs 45 € per day.

You can rent the car in the cities of Ghent, Antwerp and Brussels. In the map below you can see where you can go everywhere. The car must then be brought back to the city where you rented it.



More informations for renting a carsharing car in belgium, check out the website from miles mobility. Enjoy carsharing belgium!

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